Home Resources & Best Practices How to Find your LinkedIn (li_ at) cookie?

How to Find your LinkedIn (li_ at) cookie?

Last updated on Mar 29, 2024

About Session Cookies:

A session cookie is a small piece of data sent by a website to your web browser during your visit. These cookies are temporary, stored in your browser's memory only for the duration of your current session.

When you log into a social network account, a new cookie is created for that specific session. Once you log out or are disconnected, the cookie expires, and a new one is generated upon your next login.

Beanbag can utilize these cookies to connect and automate actions on your behalf. It's important to note that Beanbag doesn't have access to your password or email address, and these cookies reset when you manually log out of a website.

Getting the Cookie manually

Here’s how you get your session cookie on the Chrome browser.

Open a LinkedIn active tab and Right-click anywhere on the page and open "Inspect" module

Locate the "Application" tab.

Then select "Cookies" > "https://www.linkedin.com".

Locate the cookie you're looking for (so, for example, for LinkedIn you'll be looking for the "li_at" value):

Copy the value against the li_at and paste it back into the relevant field in your Beanbag account.

You're all set!

Note: Make sure NOT to manually log out of the site you've retrieved your cookie for, as this will cause it to expire, as well as not taking the necessary automation rate limits into consideration.